Rotary Presentation Evening

20th June 2024

On Thursday 20th June, Mrs Toole, Mr Milner, Miss Chantry, Ava and Evalynn (from Year 5) went to an Awards Ceremony.

The RotarySwimarathon, the biggest charity event in Grantham, is organised every year by The Rotary Club of Grantham. Each year, Isaac Newton Primary School pupils take part to help raise funds, and this year was no exception.

The Rotary Club held a presentation evening to celebrate the event once more, and to award funding to local causes. 

We are proud to report that Mrs Toole was presented with a special prize for being Team Captain for 26 years and Isaac Newton Primary School received a cheque for £1,000 which will go towards our EYFS outdoor learning project. 

Thank you to the RotarySwimarathon for this kind donation, and we look forward to swimming again along side you next year!